Family living in ‘nightmare’ after roof caves in twice
A family have said they are living in a “nightmare” after their flat roof caved in twice in just over a year, despite raising concerns with their landlord.
Jonathan Nolan, 43, has been complaining to charity housing association Peabody since November 2022, about the conditions his ex-partner and three children have been living in.
Mr Nolan does not live in the flat in Peabody Hill, Norwood, but said he speaks to Peabody on behalf of his ex-partner, Natasha King, 44, whose mental health has suffered as a result of the issues.

Mr Nolan, who works in construction, said: “The building is not safe, there are cracks running through the foundation. The place is ready to fall.
“There’s black mould everywhere which attacks bedding and clothing.”
In November 2022, the roof of the property caved in while Mr Nolan was standing on the landing.

He said: “I had to jump down a flight of stairs and damaged the cartilage in my ankle, I still have mobility issues from the injury.
“If that was my kids they would have frozen and not got out of the way – they would have been killed.”
After the incident, Peabody sent surveyors to the property.
Mr Nolan said: “They plastered the ceiling but they didn’t fix the tile work or structure of the building. It’s full of asbestos – if one of the tiles cracks it will go everywhere.”

Mr Nolan said Peabody set a finish date for works on November 27, 2023, but the repairs were not completed on time. On January 4, 2024, leaks started pouring through the roof into two of the bedrooms and the ceiling fell in again.
He said: “I told Peabody the ceiling would fall again but nothing came of it until it actually happened.
“It took them nearly two weeks to decant my family. They left them in there with two bedrooms ruined from the leak.”
A video shows part of the ceiling leaking dirty water just before the ceiling ruptured in January (Picture: Jonathan Nolan)
Mr Nolan said his ex-partner, Ms King and their three children Shelby Nolan, 15, Sky Nolan, 13, and Shane Nolan, 25, had to sleep in the living room together until Peabody moved them into a hotel in Elephant and Castle.
Mr Nolan said: “My children have suffered with stress, they couldn’t sleep in that house because they were afraid the roof would fall in.
“Now they’ve moved away from school and it’s disrupted their education, it’s just been a nightmare.

“It’s affected Natasha’s job and our financial situation.”
Mr Nolan said scaffolders are currently at the property to begin work, but the family have still not been told when they will be able to move back in.
In October 2023, the Housing Ombudsman ordered Peabody to pay £8,300 in compensation after finding three counts of severe maladministration.
Peabody has been approached for comment.
Pictured top: Image showing the roof collapse in November 2022, Jonathan Nolan (Picture: Jonathan Nolan)