
Greta Thunberg arrested at climate protest in Park Lane

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was among a group of people arrested today at a protest against an event hosting companies from the global oil industry.

Climate protesters gathered in their hundreds in an attempt to shut down the Energy Intelligence Forum, formerly known as the Oil and Money Conference, a three-day gathering of the world’s major fossil fuel companies and politicians, including UK Energy Minister Graham Stuart, this morning.

Protesters were joined by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg and TV presenter Chris Packham as they took to the streets outside the Intercontinental Hotel in Park Lane, where the forum is being held.

The activists blocked all doors to the conference.

Protesters outside the Intercontinental Hotel in Park Lane (Picture: Fossil Free London/Andrea Domeniconi)

Greta Thunberg said: “Our world is being washed away by greenwashing and lies. The fossil fuel industry has actively distracted and delayed. They have created loopholes to allow their business to go on at the expense of the planet. We are choking from their fumes.

“The people in power are knowingly leading us to the edge of the precipice. We cannot let this continue. The elite of the oil and money conference have no intention of transition.

“Their plan is to continue this destructive surge of profits. That is why we have to take direct action. We have no choice but to disrupt. This is only the beginning of the fight.”

The Met confirmed six people were arrested for obstruction of the highway. Ms Thunberg was seen being led away by two police officers.

A spokesman for the Met said: “At 12.32pm [officers] imposed conditions on the group under section 14 of the Public Order Act given to prevent serious disruption to the community, hotel and guests.  

“Officers asked the protesters to move from the road on to the pavement, which would enable them to continue with their demonstration without breaching the conditions.

“A number of protesters failed to do so and we have now made a further 14 arrests for section 14 of the public order act and a further one for criminal damage. Officers remain on scene.”

Pictured top: Greta Thunberg is led away by police officers at the climate protest in Park Lane (Picture: Fossil Free London)

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