
Helping to feed the kids and other vulnerable families

Volunteers are restocking food banks and delivering thousands of pounds’ worth of food from a supermarket.

Vulnerable people in Greenwich are getting food from Morrisons Thamesmead as demand soared during lockdown. Projects across the borough regularly receive stacked trolleys of donated food, packed by volunteers.

They include Slade Green Foodbank, Greenwich and Bexley Hospice, Jovan Foundation and Her Centre – which supports women experiencing domestic abuse.

Store manager Paul Bromilow said: “Every week we donate about £1,000 of food from this store, as well as everything our customers are kind enough to donate.”

Community Champion Rosemarie Sumakeita said: “In the last four week, I have been working with our charity partners to distribute weekly food packages to families in Thamesmead, who won’t be getting the Government school vouchers. This is operated at St Paul’s Church every Wednesday. We feed up to 35 families a week.”

Pictured: Deborah Browne and Rosemarie Sumakeita

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