
‘I know I can do it’: Bromley woman recovering from bowel cancer gets active for April

A 39-year-old woman in recovery from bowel cancer is getting active every day this month to help raise awareness of the disease and its symptoms. 

Graciele Azeredo, who lives near Bromley South Station, was diagnosed with stage two bowel cancer last year. 

Now, as she recovers after treatment, she has decided to take on Bowel Cancer UK’s fundraising campaign, Active April, by walking and practicing yoga and Pilates every day for the whole month.

Ms Azeredo said: “With the cancer almost completely in remission, I’m gradually readjusting to my ‘new normal’ routine. This includes getting back to work, hobbies, and exercise, while my immune system recovers.

“Active April is a great opportunity to share with people and alert them to the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer. It also provides the motivation I need to slowly and gradually be more active. For me, even a small exercise is a big challenge. But I know I can do it.”

Graciele Azeredo (Picture: Graciele Azeredo)

Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK, with nearly 43,000 people diagnosed every year. Research shows that taking part in regular physical activity can lower your risk of bowel cancer by up to 50 per cent.

Bowel Cancer UK’s Active April asks participants to get sponsored to do something active every day for the whole of April, which is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. 

Luke Squires, Director of Fundraising at Bowel Cancer UK, said: “Every 15 minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with bowel cancer. 

“This means that in the average time it takes to walk a mile, someone will hear the words no one wants to hear: ‘you have bowel cancer’. 

“We’re so grateful to Graciele for taking part in ActiveApril. 

“Every penny raised will help us make more people aware of the signs and symptoms of the disease.”

Sign up to ActiveApril here:

Pictured top: Graciele Azeredo (Picture: Graciele Azeredo)

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