Lambeth residents fear 600 people could be housed in small new development
By Robert Firth, Local Democracy Reporter
South Londoners have criticised proposals to cram 24 floors of flats on a tiny piece of land at the end of their street.
Developer London Realty wants to build hundreds of apartments on the former Lambeth College site in Cornell Square, Vauxhall.
But residents say the planned building is too tall, contains too many flats and will be cut off from the rest of the community by a huge fence.
A total of 262 apartments could be built on the 0.2 hectare plot, a resident consultations website made by developers said.
Residents claim if the building goes ahead it will be one of the most crowded developments in London – with a density of 1,300 dwellings per hectare – eight times higher than the average for a new build in the capital.
Resident Liam Henderson, who has lived in the area for eight years, said: “Everybody living in a really tall tower, it’s not going to make for much of a community.
“There’s going to be a fence separating the building and our existing community. It’s not going to be integrated.
“It’s just about getting as many people as you can in the tower. It’s like you’re housing people rather than creating places to live. The proposed play space is all concrete. There’s no play going on there.”
The 39-year-old added: “It’s all build to rent so I don’t know how many people you’re going to get bringing up families there – there’s no certainty with renting. We need more homes for people, but we need to make sure we’re providing a quality of life for the people who have to live there.”
London Realty has yet to submit plans to Lambeth council for the development but is expected to by the end of the year. The council previously in principle approved plans for a smaller tower with flats for 272 students last year.
The student housing proposals appear now to have been shelved. Residents fear as many as 600 people could be housed in the newly proposed tower, which is expected to be 35 per cent affordable.
A spokesman from London Realty said: “The massing is already permitted by Lambeth council (planning permission granted in 2019) for Plot C on South Bank College’s Vauxhall Campus and has been brought to life by architects Squire & Partners.
“They have been responsible for some of London’s most admired new buildings and the new building on Plot C will fit well into the local context.
“Much-needed new homes are being provided of which 35 per cent will be affordable. The density is in accordance with the London Plan and fulfils the obligation to use land efficiently. The previous consent focused on student accommodation and instead the apartments will become homes for both individuals and families.”
Pictured top: Resident Liam Henderson in front of the site where the tower is proposed (Picture: Robert Firth)