Landlords fined £10k each for letting out multiple rooms to different households
Four landlords have each been fined £10,000 for letting out multiple rooms without a licence.
The unlicensed properties include
- A two-bedroom home in Plumstead rented to four separate tenants
- A five-bedroom home in Charlton rented to seven separate tenants
- A three-bedroom home in Woolwich rented to three separate tenants, and
- A three-bedroom House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) in Charlton rented to three separate tenants
In each case, there were at least three people not part of the same family sharing a kitchen and bathroom – so a HMO, which requires a licence.
It is a criminal offence to operate a HMO without a licence.
The council’s licensing requirement protects tenants by ensuring landlords are held legally responsible for meeting certain standards, such as fire and general safety, as well as ensuring the property is in good condition.
Cllr Jackie Smith, cabinet member for community safety and enforcement at Greenwich council, said: “Every single person in our borough deserves good quality accommodation and our licensing enforcement is instrumental in ensuring that landlords maintain high standards for their tenants.
“Most of our landlords are following the rules, but for those that aren’t, we encourage you to come forward and license your property before you are caught and risk being fined up to £30,000.”
Pictured top: Greenwich council offices