
Man found guilty of rape charges after attacking two women in Greenwich

A man who attacked two women in separate incidents in Greenwich has been found guilty of multiple rape charges.

Alan Green, 39, of Thanington Court, near Eltham, was found guilty of digital penetration, rape and attempted rape.

On March 9 at 04.30am, Green approached a woman in her 50s on her way to work walking across Blackheath Commmon and pushed her to the ground and attempted to rape her before he fled the scene on his bike.

The victim briefly fought with Green to get her bag back as he fled. Terrified and traumatised she then made her way to work and alerted colleagues who informed police.

On June 2 at 2am, a woman in her 20s was talking on the phone to a friend as she approached a footbridge near Tunnel Avenue on Greenwich Peninsula.

She became aware of Green who passed her before turning back on himself, which alarmed her.

Green grabbed the victim, who tried to fight him off, but she was pulled into a bush and raped. Green then fled on a bike an the victim was able to return home where she alerted police.

Officers identified Green through forensic evidence as being the person responsible. He was arrested at his home on June 19 and answered no comment during the interview.

Detective Constable Andrew Sumpter, the investigating officer, said: “These two women were going about their daily lives when they were subjected to the most horrendous ordeals, in which they feared for their lives.

“Green is an opportunistic monster, as well as a total coward who denied his actions and so made the victims have to re-live what happened to them through the court process.

“Their bravery throughout has been nothing short of astonishing, and I am truly grateful for them for supporting our investigation, which has resulted in this conviction. I hope in time that this will help bring this horrible matter to a close for them.

“I would like to praise the team who led this investigation and worked so hard to bring justice to the victims. My colleagues especially in the Met’s Forensic Services deserve our utmost gratitude for the invaluable work they do in helping us catch criminals.

“I hope Green will now spend a very long time in prison.”

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