
New Lewisham art studio opens for young people to ‘reboot’ their lives

A local charity has opened its working art studio for 11 to 16 year-olds who are vulnerable and not in mainstream education, or are struggling to engage with it.

Charity Talk About Art (TAA) has had its new project Studio Reboot approved by Lewisham council as an alternative provision of art education.

This unique facility is a working art studio run by artists Simon Purins and Salina Jane and is open on Fridays from 9.30am until 3.30pm at The Dumps, in Oakview Road, Lewisham, for 39 weeks-a-year during term time.

Studio Reboot is a unique facility aiming to give young people the opportunity to reboot their lives through engagement with the arts, offering a safe, guided environment where they can development new ways to express themselves creatively. 

They can explore new materials and equipment and learn how to maintain them, develop timekeeping and commitment skills and the confidence to discuss their work, while enjoying making art.

Long-term benefits may include finding that they are able to re-engage with mainstream education, or that a career in the creative industries is suitable for them. 

Bronze or Silver Arts Awards are accredited qualifications, recognised by colleges and employers, and all TAA’s artists are Arts Award trained.

TAA will help them find suitable courses, or creative apprenticeships, and they may choose to do an Arts Award as part of their Studio Reboot experience.

TAA chief executive, Melanie Jones, said: “Talk About Art are very proud to announce the opening of Studio Reboot. This unique art studio facility has the potential to make a real difference to the lives of young people in Lewisham.

“Studio Reboot is an exciting new art studio facility that gives young people in Lewisham the opportunity to “reboot” their lives through engagement with the visual arts and the opportunity to work with two exceptional, professional artists.

“Studio Reboot was inspired by Talk About Art’s founder and benefactor Sir Ian Mills who sadly did earlier this year. It will be a fitting tribute to his generosity and empathy with the young people of Lewisham.”

Places are offered through a referral process and more information is on the Talk About Art website at www.talkaboutart.co.uk/studio-reboot/

Taster days are available by arrangement and anyone interested should contact Delanie Forbes at forbdelan@aol.com or TAA’s CEO Melanie Jones at talkaboutart@outlook.com.

Pictured top: From left Delanie Forbes, Salina Jane, Melanie Jones and Simon Purins (Picture: Studio Reboot)

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