‘Overcrowded, unacceptable living conditions’ at Brixton prison, report finds
A review of Brixton prison has found that inmates are living in “overcrowded, unacceptable conditions”.
The report, following a visit to the prison in November by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, found that the overcrowding issue was so bad the only way it could be run properly was if “prisoners were to go to work every day outside the wall”.
The report also stated that many inmates were struggling to get the support they needed to complete their sentence and prepare for release.

HMP Brixton is a category C men’s resettlement prison in Brixton Hill and is one of the oldest prisons in the country.
At the time of the inspector’s visit, it was holding about 700 adult men – more than 200 of whom were convicted of sexual offences.
The inspector found that the prison accommodated more prisoners than it could house in decent conditions.
“Most cells were overcrowded, holding two prisoners in accommodation designed for one,” the report said.
The previous inspection took place in March 2022 and revealed a prison that was “in trouble”.

Standards had fallen considerably in three of four healthy prison tests, and the prison was given the lowest judgement of “poor” in two tests, the report said.
The inspector found many prisoners shared “tiny, cramped and dilapidated cells” with inadequate furniture and graffiti on the walls.
Release on temporary licence had also been suspended, prisoners suffered “interminable” waits for transfer to an open prison and there were not enough activities for the prisoners.
The report also found that standards of education were poor and only a “lucky few” were allocated to some high-quality workshops.
There was even less to do on the wing which held prisoners convicted of a sexual offence who, without suitable support, could pose a risk to the public when released, according to the inspector.
The system for applications had also broken down, leading to prisoners putting in complaints that were often dismissed.
The inspector wrote in the report: “I had concluded that the only way this prison could be successful with so little space was if a substantial proportion of prisoners were to go to work every day outside the wall.”
A Prison Service spokeswoman said: “This report highlights the recent improvements made at HMP Brixton to improve living conditions, including refurbished showers, new furniture and weekly maintenance checks on all cells.
“We are also creating 20,000 more modern prison places, the biggest prison build programme in a century.
Pictured top: Brixton prison cell from inspection in March 2022 (Picture: HMI Prisons)