Private landlord trying to take over council properties told to ‘get lost’
By Robert Firth, Local Democracy Reporter
Families have told a private company trying to take control of their homes from a South London council to “get lost”.
Vision Homes Lambeth (VHL) wants residents of 234 Lambeth council properties on the Lothian estate in Vassall Road to vote in favour of the company managing their homes.
Lambeth council opposes the proposals and is encouraging Lothian estate residents to vote against them in an upcoming ballot.

Management of homes can only be transferred away from a local authority if the majority of residents vote in favour of the plans.
Resident Lorraine Macauley, who has lived on the Lothian estate for 36 years, said: “We don’t want it. Nobody wants it around here. We want to stay with Lambeth. If we transfer management the next thing we know they’ll be trying to redevelop the area. They can get lost.”
Across the road from Ms Macauley, Eruestuia Owusu Acheampong, who has lived on the estate for 25 years, said she had no intention of voting for her home to change hands.
She said: “I really want to stay with Lambeth. I don’t know why they [VHL] are disturbing us. We don’t want these private people. They’re just useless.
“I remember when we had a different company before Lambeth took over and they did nothing. The whole estate was disgusting. There was no maintenance. All the outside lights would be off and you’d be back late and it would be dark. With Lambeth, no matter how long they take, it eventually gets done.”
A Lambeth council spokesperson said: “The council is opposed to Vision Homes stock transfer proposal as we believe it will leave tenants and leaseholders in and around the Lothian Estate worse off.
“Residents are being asked to transfer the ownership of their home to a private, profit-driven company with no employees and no track record in owning, developing, or even managing social housing.
“We believe these proposals could mean residents pay more: from their rents, service charges to the repairs and maintenance activity to their homes.
“Vision Homes would charge VAT on top of these costs, that are otherwise free of VAT under Lambeth council’s ownership.
“If Vision Homes were to also sell residents’ homes to another company in the future, they will not be required to ballot or obtain consent from the Housing Regulator. This includes leaseholders, who will see their lease transferred to this company but will not have a say.”
Chris Horn, representative of Vision Homes Lambeth, said: “We are acutely aware that the cost-of-living crisis will be affecting tenants of the Lothian estate, which is why we are making an offer which aims to provide security, opportunity, and hope for the local community.
“Not only will our offer result in lower rents for tenants across the estate, but it will also mean that outstanding repairs will be made.”
Pictured top: Lothian estate in Lambeth (Picture: Robert Firth)