Residents fury at Greenwich town hall ignoring its own master plan
Residents are accusing town hall chiefs of railroading over their own master plan if a development is given the green light.
The master plan cost the public more than £850,000.
Members of the Derrick and Atlas Gardens Residents’ Association (DAGRA) have set up a petition calling on Greenwich council to reject a planning application that will see 11 tower blocks erected close to their housing estate in Charlton.
They say the development, with buildings going up to 10 storeys, is not in keeping with the Charlton Riverside Master plan which puts an emphasis on family units and keeping tower blocks below six storeys.
DAGRA chairwoman Selina Tallett, 36, said: “What is the point in spending all of that money on a master plan, if the first development they consider then breaks all the guidelines?
“It’s a really poor use of taxpayers’ money.”
Their Freedom of Information request found that £854,000 had been spent by the council developing the master plan.
Originally the scheme on land off Anchor and Hope Lane, submitted by VIP Rockwell, had a 28-storey glass-fronted tower with five per cent affordable housing.
But they returned with a new plan for 771 units in 11 blocks, five of which will be up to 10-storeys high.
developers to ignore the master plan.
“The development drives a coach and horses through the carefully created plan.
“This will have a huge impact on the whole of Charlton.”
A spokesman for VIP Rockwell said: “Rockwell is excited to be bringing new homes and workspace to Charlton Riverside and we’ve been having ongoing conversations with the Council and local residents to help shape our proposals. We are dedicated to producing high-quality developments and committed to delivering a tailored scheme that responds to, and enhances, the local area.”
A council spokeswoman said that the council will not comment on a plan that is still being considered.
To see the petition go to