
Sheltered housing tenants receive new tree to replace ‘unsightly stump’

The gloom of a dead tree stump has been removed and a new tree has been planted just in time for summer to bring a little bit of cheer to a sheltered housing block.

Three winters ago, much to the dismay of the residents of the Beacham House sheltered housing facility in St Alfege, Charlton, a much loved Rowan Tree suddenly and inexplicably died.

But thanks to an anonymous donor, the tree was replaced on May 16 and the Mayor of Greenwich joined to help plant it. 

Peter Temple, 83, a resident at Beacham House said: “This magnificent mature tree provided the tenants with beautiful blooms in spring, followed by yellow berries and colourful autumn foliage. Since that time all that remained was an unsightly stump.

“Fortunately an anonymous donor offered to make good our loss, and the Mayor of Greenwich, councillor Leo Fletcher agreed to plant a replacement sapling prior to the end of his term in office.”

The Mayor, alongside Charlton Village and Riverside cllr Jo Van den Broek and a party of tenants and well wishers, conducted a ceremonial planting.

Mr Temple added: “This was followed by refreshments in the communal lounge where all attending thanked the Mayor for his many kindnesses during the year.

“It is hoped the return of the Rowan Tree will bring happiness and pleasure to all future tenants of the sheltered housing facility.”

Pictured top: From left, Peter Temple, fourth left, cllr Jo Van den Broek and, centre Mayor of Greenwich Leo Fletcher digs a hole for the new tree (Picture: Brian Aldrich)

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