
The future of Whitehall reimagined in plans to make space ‘people-friendly’

New proposals for a reimagined future of Whitehall have been revealed.

The developments aim to transform Whitehall into a ‘people-friendly’ place that is more accessible to locals and tourists.

Nine zones across Whitehall come under the regeneration proposal and include the introduction of a new Whitehall River Walk and the development of Parliament Square and Bridge Street.

The proposals, published by London Heritage Quarter, come as part of ongoing commitments to sustain investment in London and make Whitehall a destination in its own right.

Artists impression of proposals for Parliament Square and Bridge Street (Picture: London Heritage Quarter)

The Introduction of a Whitehall River Walk would create a whole new riverfront connection between Westminster Pier and the new Thames Tideway Space, as well as supporting  biodiversity and water run off management in the area.

Reclaiming the busy carriageway to pedestrianised walkways, the pedestrianisation of Parliament Square and Bridge Street will offer a new central tube entrance with wider footpaths and greenery.

London Heritage Quarter’s vision also includes an Augmented Reality (AR) “hidden gems” walk.

Artists impression of the AR hidden gems trail (Picture: London Heritage Quarter)

AR is an interactive experience that involves projecting computer-generated images into real-world environments, this allows visitors on the hidden gems walk to to explore lesser-known landmarks and hidden histories including Winston Churchill’s balcony, Queen Mary’s Steps and Horse Guards’ Clock Tower

Ruth Duston, Chief Executive of London Heritage Quarter said: “London remains a world-class destination and is unmatched in its vibrant culture and atmosphere.

“But we must continue to invest in our most recognisable assets if we are to remain competitive on a global stage. These proposals are designed to make Whitehall a safer, cleaner and more pleasant place to visit and to work.

“Our research shows that enjoying public spaces in the capital is increasingly important to Londoners and tourists alike, and it  is projects like these that help to ensure people can enjoy the city at its best.”

Pictured top: Artists impressions of the regeneration projects, the sustainable court in Westminster (Picture: London Heritage Quarter)

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One thought on “The future of Whitehall reimagined in plans to make space ‘people-friendly’

  • Peter Gresswell

    How about making it a centre for effective government rather than flogging off to the highest bidder for a one off profit, to be turned into yet another tourist centre?

    Like Venice, London is dying as it becomes nothing more than a playground.


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