‘We’re feeding people £2 Christmas dinners”, says food charity chief in response to news that MPs can charge the taxpayer for their Christmas parties
A food charity chief executive has criticised MPs who plan to use the public purse to fund Christmas parties this winter, in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis.
Kate Bull, who runs the Healthy Living Platform, which provides food pantries for struggling families across Southwark, said MPs should visit their pantries for Christmas lunch and “expense that”.
She said: “We would like to invite all MPs to our warm hub or one of our pantries and expense that. If you really want to give people a lunch, come here and help and expense your Christmas lunch here.
“We’re feeding 50 people every Thursday a cooked Christmas dinner, which includes meat, is served by volunteers and costs £2. It would be nice for MPs to fund that Christmas lunch instead.”
MPs were told they will be able to put the cost of food and drink for Christmas staff parties on expenses, through guidance from the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA).
The expenses watchdog issued the advice in response to “frequently asked questions” about how MPs and their staff can celebrate during the festive season.
But the MPs’ claims cannot include alcoholic beverages.
Neil Coyle, MP for Bermondsey and Old Southwark, where the Healthy Living Platform runs some of its pantries, said IPSA had “dropped the bauble”.
He said: “No colleague asked for this and I don’t know any MP billing their team Christmas party to the taxpayer.
“It is ridiculous timing during the Conservative cost-of-living crisis to drop this on MPs’ heads. My team work hard and I will treat them out of my own pocket, as I always have done previously.”
A statement from IPSA said: “We are aware of concerns regarding the rules for MPs’ festive and celebratory claims.
“Our rules have not changed. MPs employ, on average, five members of staff in their local constituencies to deal with casework from members of the public.
“These cases are often distressing for the constituent and staff member alike, and working in that environment day in and day out is very challenging.
“As employers, it is entirely appropriate that MPs should, if they see fit, reward their staff with a modest gathering at Christmas.
“We are clear that alcohol is not included, that any event must represent value for money, is subject to publication for transparency and must not be party political in nature. It must be funded within existing budgets.
“To suggest that there is anything inappropriate in this is simply incorrect. We are disappointed with the interpretation of this normal employment practice at a time when MPs are receiving large amounts of abuse, particularly on social media.”
Elsewhere, Janet Daby, MP for Lewisham East, said: “Like previous years I have celebrated Christmas with my staff, and I meet this expense. We will also be having a Secret Santa which everyone participates in and seems to enjoy.
“This is not a company, it is the public purse, and in light of this and of a cost-of-living crisis, we all need to be more thoughtful about cost and unnecessary expenses and whether this is an appropriate use of these funds.
“I will not be using this allowance. I will be paying for my staff’s Christmas celebration out of my own pocket, as I always do.”
Healthy Living Platform pantry volunteers (Picture: Healthy Living Platform)