
Woman dies and 14 people forced to escape fire in Wimbledon

A woman has died following a house fire after firefighters managed to rescue her from the blaze.

The fire ripped through the ground and first floors of an end-of-terraced house last night in Rotherwood Close, Wimbledon.

The ground and first floors were destroyed by the fire. Half of the roof was also damaged.

Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus rescued a woman from the first floor of the property buts sadly she was pronounced dead at the scene.

A woman from a neighbouring property was treated by London Ambulance Service crews for smoke inhalation.

Around 14 people were evacuated from surrounding properties as a precaution.

A statement from the London Fire Brigade said: “The brigade was called at around 11pm and the fire was under control by around half past midnight.

“Eight fire engines and around 60 firefighters from New Malden, Wimbledon, Mitcham, Tooting and surrounding fire stations attended the scene.

“The cause of the fire is under investigation by the brigade and the Met.”

(Picture: LFB)

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