Tiny tortoise abandoned in Peckham rescued by RSPCA
A tiny tortoise was found abandoned in a box on the bonnet of a van parked up attending a job in Peckham.
The RSPCA was called to Barry Road on October 19 after a pest controller found the tortoise shut inside a cardboard box and left on the bonnet of his van while he was attending a job.
RSPCA animal rescue officer Mat Hawkins was called out to collect the neglected pet – thought to be a Horsfield tortoise – and took him to a specialist boarding centre for care.

Mat said: “This cute little fellow was left inside a cardboard box and had been dumped on the bonnet of this van.
“Sadly he also hadn’t been looked after very well. It looks as though he’s not had access to a suitable diet or lighting, or both, because his shell was under-developed and very soft.
“Thankfully he’s now in safe and experienced hands with the team at South Essex Wildlife Hospital, where he’s receiving care and treatment.”
The RSPCA said it has seen a 24 per cent increase in the number of abandoned animals being reported to its emergency line this year compared to last year.
Exotic pets are often the victims of being given up by their owners who didn’t understand their complex needs before taking them on.
Mat added: “You need specialist equipment and knowledge to keep exotic pets such as tortoises, snakes and lizards, and it’s really important to do proper research before taking one on so that you understand what they need and how much they will cost to care for.
“Sadly we’re really starting to see the impact the cost of living crisis is having on pet owners and we’re taking more animals into our care as their owners struggle to care for them.
“It appears this little tortoise may well be a victim of owners who do not fully understand what they need to thrive and may not have been able to afford the costs – particularly with energy bills through the roof – to take care of him.
“Anyone with information about where this little guy may have come from or who was responsible for abandoning him should contact our appeal line on 0300 123 8018.”
Pictured top: The rescued tortoise (Picture: RSPCA)