
Former pro-footballer jailed for 10 years for rape after cornering victim in the women’s toilets

A former professional footballer has been jailed for 10 years after he raped a woman in toilets of a London bar.

Alhaji Sesay, 22, of Congleton Grove, Greenwich, appeared at Bristol Crown Court today where he was sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment for the rape and attempted rape of woman at a north London bar and for the attempted rape of a woman in a Bristol nightclub.

During a four-week trial the court heard that on July 11, 2019, Alhaji Sesay entered the female toilet of a nightclub in Bristol City Centre where he approached a woman and assaulted a woman entirely unknown to him.

He pushed her against the wall in the toilets, sexually assaulted her through her clothing and attempted to force her to commit a sex act on him.

Security at the venue were alerted to the incident and Sesay was detained by staff until police officers arrived.

He was arrested and during interview denied the allegation stating that he had “entered the female toilets looking for a woman whom he had kissed earlier in the night” but had not assaulted anyone.

He was subsequently released under investigation but a year later he committed a similar offence.

On August 30 2020, police were called to a bar on Chase Road, in North London, where a female had been sexually assaulted in the toilets by an unknown male.

Officers attended the venue where a female victim, who did not know Sesay, was in the toilets at the bar and was pushed into a cubicle by Sesay, who attempted to rape her.

When his attempt at rape was unsuccessful he forced her to perform a sex act on him.

Following the attack Sesay left the venue in a vehicle but came back to the bar when he was encouraged by his friends, where he was arrested at the scene.

In a police interview Sesay claimed that the victim had consented to sex.

The victims in both cases were supported by specially trained officers.

He was remained in custody and was charged on August 31 2020 with attempted rape in connection with the Bristol incident and attempted rape and rape in connection with the London offences.

After pleading not guilty on all counts, Sesay was today found guilty of two counts of attempted rape and one count of rape.

Detective Constable Kim Davies who led the investigation from the Met’s Public Protection Team (sexual offences strand), said: “The actions of Alhaji Sesay were clearly that of a predator.

Alhaji Sesay

“He has on two separate occasions subjected women to violent acts in what should be a safe and private space.

“He has shown no remorse for his deplorable behaviour and the verdict is welcomed as it highlights that there is a price to be paid by those committing sexual offences, and that price is their freedom.

“The impact that crimes like this case have on the victims is significant, so I would like to thank the victims for their bravery in coming forward and supporting the investigation which has resulted in taking a dangerous individual off the street.”

Detective Superintendent Seb Adjei-Addoh, of the Met’s North Area Public Protection Team, said: “We commend the courageous victims for coming forward and supporting the police investigation after what must have been a terrible and frightening experience.

“Thankfully stranger attacks such as these are rare but I hope this conviction goes some way to providing closure for the victims and sends a clear message to the public that such abhorrent acts will not be tolerated.”

As part of the same trial Alhaji Sesay was found not guilty of one count of rape in relation to a separate incident in Bristol that was dealt with by Avon and Somerset Police.

Detective Constable Toby Hayes of Bristol CID, said: “Alhaji Sesay is a predatory sexual offender who would brazenly target women at random at nightclubs.

“CCTV footage gathered during the police investigations showed him going into female toilets, where he carried out his attacks.

“The victims have all been through a harrowing experience.

“I want to pay tribute to their incredible bravery and courage for reporting the offences committed against them, for giving crucial evidence in court and for supporting our investigation, which has resulted in this dangerous sexual offender being brought to justice.

“I would also like to thank the many members of the public who assisted with our enquiries and helped to ensure justice was served.

“Due to the nature of Sesay’s offending, it’s possible there are other victims out there who haven’t yet reported incidents to us. I would encourage them to place their faith and confidence in the police and come forward.

“You will be listened to, believed and respected. If you don’t want to speak to the police, please speak to someone.”

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