
Call for action after yet another accident on Deptford “race track” road

By Grainne Cuffe, Local Democracy Reporter

Residents near a notoriously dangerous junction in Deptford are demanding action after another accident.

Over the weekend, a car crashed around the junction of Trundleys Road and Grinstead Road, described by residents as a “race track” that drivers speed through.

The junction is just down the road from Sir Francis Drake Primary School.

Residents say the “poor visibility and traffic speeds” make the school route and route to the supermarket “perilous” for pedestrians and cyclists.

The railings across from the junction are mangled from another crash, and have yet to be fixed.

People have been asking the council to do something for years – they want action as it brings in a host of emergency transport measures across the borough to facilitate social distancing, cycling, and walking as lockdown eases.

Commenters have asked for pavements to be widened, a safe crossing for pedestrians, a cycle path and better signage.

One said: “It is a dangerous crossing here to go to the school. Cars come flying out on the junction.

“The path under the bridge is really narrow and there is no safe space to cross the road.

“I hoped the road in front of the school would be closed. The road up to Lidl is terrible.

“No social distancing there. Grinstead Road is like a race track.”

Trina Lynskey, chairwoman of Deptford Folk, said the area needs a movement plan and low traffic neighbourhoods.

She said: “Most people in this area don’t own a car.

“I hope Lewisham council will rethink their approach in light of Covid-19.

“Trundleys Road was safe and quiet during lockdown.

“However, Grinstead Road is a race track,” she said, adding that there should be traffic calming and speed camera enforcement of the 20mph borough wide limit.

A Lewisham council spokeswoman said road safety and protecting cyclists and pedestrians “especially around schools,” was one of its “highest priorities”.

She added: “We have recently begun a programme of extensive measures to make it safer for both pedestrians and cyclists to travel around our borough, which we will continue to implement over the coming weeks.

“We have received a number of comments on our Commonplace consultation map, suggesting that we introduce temporary measures on Trundleys Road, and we will be monitoring this closely along with other locations across the borough, to see if should form part of a future phase of modal filters.

“In addition to improving safety this is also part of our efforts to encourage motorists out of their vehicles and use more sustainable and active forms of travel if they can.”

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