
BBC and ITV concerned that filming will be disrupted by noisy neighbours at Westminster studios

By Jacob Phillips, local democracy reporter

The BBC and ITV fear shows could be disrupted by potential building work in Westminster.

The broadcasters are concerned about noise after plans were submitted to Westminster Council to demolish and build a new nine-storey office space next door to their studios in Millbank.

The BBC and ITV have also raised concerns that a new roof terrace being built may interrupt their TV signals and impact the quality of broadcasts.

Both broadcasters use Millbank Studios as a base for their political coverage.

The new proposed building based at Westminster House is opposite the House of Commons and sits next to the heritage site for Westminster Abbey and Parliament Square.

Plans show the building, first built in 1915, will be reconstructed to create more modern office space and will feature a new roof garden complete with views over parliament and the River Thames.

The BBC told the Local Democracy Reporting Service it is seeking further information to ensure the broadcaster’s ability to broadcast live and filming is not disrupted.

A BBC spokesperson said: “We have no objection to the proposals in principle but we are seeking assurances that the proposed development will not affect our ability to broadcast critical public services or interfere with existing broadcasting signals.

“We have had constructive discussions with the development team and the conversations are ongoing.”

Speaking at the Westminster planning meeting on August 3, council officer Matthew Mason believed the works could be considerate to the broadcasters.

He said: “It is considered the construction issue could be addressed through the council’s code of construction practice.

“A further condition is recommended which will require specific measures to control and mitigate construction noise and vibration.”

Also speaking at the meeting was managing director of Old Park Lane Management Tim Sketchley, who own the building.

He said: “We have worked with all the tenants at Millbank including the BBC and ITV. This location represents a great opportunity to us and I am personally very excited by this proposal.”

The plans will need sign off from the Mayor of London’s office to be built after being approved by Westminster Council.

ITV was contacted for comment.

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