‘They intimidated me when I complained’: Mum, 21, left in flat with broken doors for months
A single mum says she was intimidated by her landlord when she complained about her flat door being broken for six months.
Chaniah Weir-Treasure, 21, was moved into temporary accommodation in Warwick Road, Croydon, by Lambeth council just before she went into labour with her son, now two, in February 2022. The property is managed by housing company Blossom Consultancy.
But since she moved into the property, black mould has spread across the walls and windows of the flat and rats have infested the building, which Ms Weir-Treasure says has caused health issues for her and her child.

She said: “My son is being treated for asthma and eczema. He was not born with these conditions, which I find really worrying.”
Ms Weir-Treasure also suffers from asthma and has been prescribed two medicated inhalers to help with regular asthma attacks and symptoms including shortness of breath.
She said: “I have to run out of the flat to get air sometimes.”
Ms Weir-Treasure also said she is frightened for the safety of her and her son.

She said: “There is a huge lack of safety. The doors have been broken for months and I have made so many complaints but nothing is fixed.
“I’m frightened because there are people using drugs wandering around outside and I don’t want them to get in.”
Two weeks ago a member of Blossom Consultancy visited the flat. Ms Weir-Treasure said he threatened her when she complained about the broken door.
She said: “He stepped right up to me and said ‘don’t talk to me about the door, that better be the last time’.
“I didn’t bring it up again because I was intimidated.”
The leak coming through a crack in the ceiling (Video: Chaniah Weir-Treasure)
On Sunday night Ms Weir-Treasure took her son out of the flat, but when she came home the ceiling had split and water was leaking through several cracks.
She said: “It’s dripping down on to a plug socket. That is so dangerous and I have a little boy crawling around.
“I have reported it to the consultancy and Lambeth council, but no one has come to check if it’s safe.
“The cracks are getting worse every day.”
Ms Weir-Treasure also suffers from anxiety and depression.
She said: “Living in these conditions is devastating, I’m frightened something will happen to my son.”
Blossom Consultancy and Lambeth council have been approached for comment.
Pictured top: Chaniah Weir-Treasure and her two-year-old son (Picture: Chaniah Weir-Treasure)