
Thirty-six mature trees to be cut down for new housing developments in Blackheath

By Grainne Cuffe, local democracy reporter

A beekeeper in Blackheath who consulted with Nelson Mandela’s agriculture minister said he will be forced to close his 36-year-old business if a development goes ahead.  

GS8 and Vabel plan to demolish all business units in the Blackheath Business Estate to build 63 flats in two blocks of nine and seven storeys, along with a four-storey workspace building. 

Lewisham’s strategic planning committee approved their planning application in December, which will see 36 mature trees cut down.  

Bbe Business Estate

The trees will be replaced by a large wall that will cut off light from a row of homes where vulnerable and disabled people live.

This impact and the loss of trees themselves were some of the issues members, a ward councillor, and residents raised at the meeting.  

The developers argue the wall will be “green”, while they plan to plant more trees.  

Members were tied four against and four in support, but the casting vote from the chair approved the plans. 

The developer’s consultant ecologist – who did not attend the meeting – concluded the trees were of “low quality”. 

But this was at odds with the council’s own tree expert, who concluded that the plans would be “detrimental” to the area.  

The site is also next to a brain injury hospital. Patients recover in a garden right beside what is set to be a construction site – it is difficult to see how they will remain unaffected.  

Planning consultant Peter Hadley, representing the Blackheath Hill residents group at the meeting, said it was one of the worst applications he had ever seen.  

The consultation on the plans was also poor, according to residents, who have been lobbying the GLA to reverse the planning permission. The Mayor’s decision on the application is expected soon. 

Godfrey Munro

One of the units on the business estate is home to Park Beekeeping, the only suppliers of beekeeping equipment in London.  

Founder Godfrey Munro developed an interest in beekeeping when he was just 14. It was not until 1983 that he decided to be more fully involved and became an agent in 1985.

Starting his business from home, it was not long before he had people calling for equipment and advice from all over the world. 

He told the local democracy service: “At the height of the financial problems in the early nineties, we took premises firstly in Greenwich and then to our current location on Blackheath Hill in 1994.  

“We have now been here for just over 27 years. In that time, people have visited us from many parts of the world.  

“In Olympic year 2012, the Russian Olympic representative German Novikov called. We were also visited several times by the South African Agriculture Minister the Hon. Kraai van Niekerk MP, who served under Nelson Mandela.  

“In 2016, we completed a full honey processing installation in St Lucia. 


“In addition to providing beekeeping equipment, we supply many unique and local honey varieties including honey from hives in Foots Cray, Falconwood, Bromley, Grove Park and several others.  

“Since the pandemic, demand for real honey has increased considerably with many coming from the street or by word of mouth simply because they cannot buy this quality of honey elsewhere.  

“We are having considerable difficulty keeping up with the demand. 

“We are the only provider of beekeeping equipment in London and it is very convenient for beekeepers from all over London or Kent to call here for supplies.” 

Mr Munro said the plans to build housing on the estate were “absolute madness”. 

“We are surrounded on two sides by enormous housing complexes and at the same time, location after location is being lost for small businesses to find suitable premises. 

“We have very serious concerns about the voting procedures adopted by Lewisham Council where they even choose to vote against the recommendations of their own tree officer.  

“In 2019, Lewisham Council made an agreement with the Mayor of London to make Lewisham a greener place.  

“If mature trees are to be cut down as the developer intends, birds such as robins, wrens, blackbirds, and pigeons will all be homeless as well as us. 

“It seems very silly that when jobs and business are so important to the country, throwing us all out beggars belief,” he said.  

Alexandre Ribeiro lives in one of the ground-floor flats that face the row of mature trees set to be felled with his wife and son Filipe, who is disabled and uses a wheelchair. Filipe spends about 90 per cent of his time at home.  

Mr Ribeiro said: “The only view that gives him pleasure is the garden and the trees. But they will take this away.  

“My son can’t go out often because of his mobility problems. We open the door and he can see nature. If there’s a wall he will feel stuck – it’s terrible.”

Blackheath Bus Estate Plans

Alex said he only heard about the development from other residents. Despite the council holding a consultation meeting in December 2019, it seems not everyone was informed.  

Lewisham Council spokesperson said “extensive consultation was carried out with the local community prior to planning permission being granted for this development”.  

“400 letters were sent out to local residents and businesses notifying them of the planning application and over 130 consultation responses were received. 

“We recognise the concerns raised by local residents and appreciate that this development will mean a change in the local area. 

“As part of the planning permission which was granted, the developer is obliged to support current business tenants to either relocate or secure premises in the new development.  

“Measures will be put in place to mitigate the impact of construction on neighbouring residents and businesses,” a spokesperson said. 

They did not elaborate on what the measures will be.  

The Blackheath Hill residents group trying to fight the development said they were not “NIMBYs” and “not against development on the site”.  

They said: “We are a mixed community of more than 120 households pulling together to fight for a neighbourhood that is not imposed on or done to us, but works for us. 

“The focus should have been to create a sense of place that retains existing green spaces and wildlife habitat without blocking out the surrounding environment with overwhelming and over-dense development that impacts on our well-being. 

“Parkside social housing residents and patients recovering in the adjoining hospital complex do not deserve the disregard they have been afforded by both Lewisham Planning and the developer Vabel with regard to withdrawing their right to green spaces, trees and daylight.  

“If the application is passed by the GLA and 36 trees area are taken down, to be replaced by an 18m blank wall within 3.8m of their homes at the narrowest point, it will demean the value these residents place on their right to light and green spaces.  

“It will ignore what they consider meaningful in their community – their homes. How can that be for the ‘greater good’? 

“According to the official Community Life Survey 56 per cent people believe it is important for them to influence local decisions. Only 25 per cent believe that they can.  

“That indicates a sad erosion of the democratic process.”

Bbe Honey Park Beekeeping

A spokesperson for GS8 and Vabel said: “As with all of our developments we set out to engage with locals and tenants of Blackheath Business Centre throughout.  

“As a starting point for existing tenants, we have offered assistance with relocation, tenancy extensions, and first refusal on our new commercial units at a discount, as well as securing a relocation strategy obligation in the s106.  

“We remain open to discussing any of these matters with our tenants and there are many on-going and agreed arrangements at present on that basis. 

“We consulted extensively with all of our neighbours, holding two rounds of consultation events in December 2019 and April/May 2020, each containing a number of targeted presentations to neighbours and local stakeholders and presenting the scheme at a public meeting organised by Lewisham Council.  

“Many neighbours attended these events and we followed up with individual meetings with neighbours on site, having on-going dialogue, producing additional imagery where needed, bespoke reports and more.” 

They said the construction impact will be managed by a plan agreed with the council.  

“This will detail the low impact deconstruction of the existing buildings which will allow us to re-use materials and minimise disruption to surrounding neighbours, subsequently resulting in less disruption, dust and impact to neighbours during this period,” the spokesperson said, adding the companies are “committed to ongoing engagement” with the community. 

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