
Celebrate National Clean Air Day on June 21

To celebrate national Clean Air Day on June 21 Cllr Richard Livingstone, Southwark council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport Management and Air Quality joined passers by in a game of air quality themed snakes and ladders on a 2m by 2m board that highlighted actions that impact both positively (ladders) and negatively (snakes) on air quality.

He also joined the council’s air quality team to talk to drivers, asking them to turn off their engines when stationary.

The council is committed to tackling the London-wide air quality problem head-on.

Last year it launched an ambitious new Air Quality Strategy, banned engine idling, and supported local schools with a London air quality audit that will help them to combat air pollution in the future.

This year, Southwark is installing extra electric car charge points, bringing schools together to talk about air quality adding more electric vehicles to our fleet and taking many more steps towards improving London’s air quality.

There are plenty of small changes that everybody can make to join the council and millions of other people, to help tackle air pollution, which as leaving the car at home, starting walking or cycling once a week, using click and collect, turn your engine off when stationary

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