
Council leader admits public toilets need “significant investment or replacement”

By Kiro Evans, Local Democracy Reporter

Public toilets in a much-used public park will need “significant investment or replacement”, the Bromley council leader has warned.

Councillor Colin Smith has admitted the toilets in Crystal Palace Park are “past their best” as the council came under renewed pressure to address the issue.

The toilets have been branded “rotten” and “gross” by park users, who say they are in need of repair.

It was announced earlier this month that Bromley council will be handing over running of the park to the Crystal Palace Park Trust in April 2023.

The Labour opposition leader Angela Wilkins, who represents the Crystal Palace ward, grilled Cllr Smith on the issue as she appealed for him to visit the loos in person.

She said: “On a recent radio interview and in response to a resident’s complaint about the condition of the toilets in Crystal Palace Park, you refused to visit them because you said you had officers to do that sort of thing for you.

“Several months later, these toilets remain in an appalling condition. Will you now accept my personal invitation to visit so that you can decide whether you think your answer – and this council’s provision of public conveniences in its premier heritage park – is acceptable to local residents?”

Cllr Smith said in response: “Mr Mayor, you don’t need to visit the toilets to understand they are past their best.

“They need significant investment or replacement at some point in the not too distant future.

“The council’s position remains that it will maintain and equip the Bromley toiletries, in line with the existing contract until next year, before then handing the park over to Crystal Palace Park Trust who will determine its future in line with their other existing priorities.”

The Trust say they want to preserve and improve the physical and natural environment of the park once it is handed over to them.

This is still subject to the formal approval of Bromley council’s executive but it is expected to pass.

Pictured top: The public toilets in Crystal Palace Park

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