
New flats to house homeless people in Lewisham

A run-down former hostel is to be demolished to make way for flats.

The three-storey building with six flats at 118 Canonbie Road, Forest Hill, would be used as temporary accommodation for homeless families, according to Lewisham council.

A two-storey vacant building at the site, previously a hostel, will be demolished if the proposals are approved by councillors at a planning meeting on Thursday (January 9).

There are currently more than 7,000 homeless people in Lewisham, the equivalent of one in 43.

A report by planning officers said: “The proposed development forms part of Lewisham council’s programme to deliver 1,000 new genuinely affordable council homes across the borough by 2022.

“Providing housing, particularly affordable housing, is a current policy priority to tackle the housing crisis in the borough and wider London.”

The plans also include 12 cycle spaces and a large shared garden – bur neighbours fear the lack of parking could put pressure on resident spaces.

But officers say the applicants will submit a travel plan, adding: “It will encourage and support the use of sustainable transport at the application site.”

An independent parking survey had shown a capacity for on-street parking within 200m of the site “to accommodate any parking demand generated by the development”.

One thought on “New flats to house homeless people in Lewisham

  • Mrs. Angela Christie

    The homes offered ad affordably housing are not affordable…Iwork and could not afford the over 55 new built flats in catford…£260 per week just for rent alone for a 1 bedroom flat. Most of the tenants are on housing benefits.. ..eith rents that high no wonder people wont work.


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