
Man who killed woman then lived for weeks in Battersea flat with her decomposing body is jailed for 12-and-a-half years

A man who killed a woman and then lived in her flat for several weeks with her body concealed has been sentenced to 12-and-a-half years for her manslaughter.

Kristian Smith, 42, of no fixed abode, was convicted of killing 52-year-old Antoinette Donegan following a trial at the Old Bailey.

He was sentenced today. In addition to the manslaughter charge, Smith was also sentenced for fraud and preventing a lawful burial – offences which he had previously pleaded guilty to.

The court heard how police were called to Antoinette’s home in Este Road, Battersea on Thursday, March 7 last year following concerns for her welfare as she had not been seen for more than a month.

After receiving no answer at the front door, officers gained entry via a bedroom window and found Antoinette’s body.

The body was in a state of decomposition, indicating it had been there for a number of weeks. However, there was a significant amount of blood on the floor by her head and on the furniture in the room.

Clothing had been pushed up against the bedroom door from the hallway to conceal the smell of the decomposing corpse.

Homicide detectives from the Met’s Specialist Crime team began an investigation and identified Smith, who had been living in the flat since November 2018, as the prime suspect.

Analysis of CCTV and Antoinette’s phone records revealed she had last been seen alive on Friday, 1 February 2019.

By tracking the use of her bank card, detectives identified that Smith had used it on February 4, 5, 20, 26 and 27 to withdraw money.

Smith also removed the SIM card from Antoinette’s mobile phone and put it in his handset.

Detectives arrested Smith in Bridge Lane, Battersea on March 13. He was found in possession of Antoinette’s bank card, sim card and some of her jewellery.

Traces of blood on his trainers were also matched to Antoinette.

A post-mortem examination revealed that Antoinette had suffered a number of head injuries caused by a broken mug found in the bedroom. She had also suffered seven fractured ribs, injuries believed to be indicative of an assault.

Detective Chief Inspector John Massey, the officer in the case, said: “This is a tragic case in which Antoinette’s generosity in allowing Kristian Smith to stay in her flat has been abused in the worst way possible.

“Antoinette was a vulnerable individual who was battling addiction herself.

“We will never know what instigated Smith’s brutal attack on Antoinette. But, what we do know, is that he then carried on with his life as if nothing had happened.

“He stole her bank card and withdrew money, presumably to buy drugs. Despite knowing she was dead, Smith did not tell anyone and simply blocked up the bedroom door to conceal any smell.

“The injuries on Antoinette’s body were numerous and it was clear that Smith did not kill her in self-defence. I am glad the jury has seen through his lies and he now faces a long period in jail.”

Pictured top, Kristian Smith. Inset, Antoinette Donegan.

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