
Get in the right gear and raise cash form cycling charity

Cyclists will pedal from London to Brighton this weekend to raise money for a charity which raises money for bikes for the disabled and bike routes – and they want other two-wheel fans to join them.

Wheels for Wellbeing (WfW) is a user-led campaign in Brixton Road, Brixton, advocating for fully accessible cycling infrastructure and a greater awareness of the needs of disabled cyclists across the UK.

WfW founder Isabelle Clement, a wheelchair user, works with councils to improve the accessibility to inclusive cycling and inspires similar schemes across the world.

Marco Liguori and Aurelie Cambon, both 36, are cycling across the globe to raise money for Wheels for Wellbeing and 88bikes – a charity providing cycles for victims of human trafficking in under-developed nations.

The couple have decided to live their dream – to cycle across the globe from Helsinki to Singapore on their “421Adventure”: four wheels, two hearts, one world journey.

From April 2018 to June 2020 they cycled 28,000 miles in 700 days across Finland, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Uzbekıstan, Nepal, Myanmar and Laos.

The last step of their journey was a planned ride from London to Brighton over the bank holiday weekend.

But they are now in quarantine – so a stand-in, Oliver Burton, is offering interested cyclists the chance to join him for part or all of the fundraising finale, an overnight bike trip from Herne Hill Velodrome, from 8am on Saturday, to Chiddingly in Sussex for an overnight stay; and then on Brighton the next day. If interested, go to here

To contribute go here

Pictured: Marco Liguori and Aurelie Cambon

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